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United Methodist Women Update

For many years, the United Methodist Women have provided Christmas gifts for the residents at Bowman Place, a low-income housing unit in downtown Annapolis. Due to logistics problems caused by the pandemic this year, we decided at our October meeting to provide grocery store gift cards instead of gift bags.

We hope that you will continue to support this effort to provide a little bit of Christmas cheer to the Bowman Place residents by purchasing a $25 grocery store gift card from Giant or Safeway. If you are avoiding going into stores due to the pandemic, you can send a check made out to United Methodist Women of EUMC to the church and we will purchase the gift cards on your behalf.

You can call Kathy Duckett with questions or to arrange to pick up gift cards you have purchased. We need 60 gift cards (one per apartment) and would like to have them by December 13 so that we have time to arrange delivery before Christmas. Thanks in advance for supporting this local mission. The residents have always been very appreciative of our generosity.

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