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Thanks to you!

Thanks to your generous support of our church we are able to support organizations like Charting careers. Here's a small update regarding some of their recent work:


We are so grateful for generous grant support from the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County's Women and Girls Fund, which is making it possible for us to offer a series of Girls Health Workshops to scholars and their parents/caregivers.

Last night was our first Girls Health Workshop of the year, and it included a thoughtfully-planned dinner to help educate young women about healthy eating to support their minds and bodies, an instructional presentation by Mentor and OBGYN Dr. Debra Hardy-Cartwright, time for questions and answers, and the sharing of important supplies.

Thank you to our incredible staff for planning this event, Dr. Hardy-Cartwright for sharing her talents with us, Eastport United Methodist Church for being such a great partner and sharing welcoming spaces with us, and to scholars and parents/caregivers for coming out!

To learn more about how amazing Dr. Hardy-Cartwright is, check out this article:

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