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Lenten Bible Study: Just Faith

Join Pastor Chris and Pastor Jenna for Lenten Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 pm or Friday mornings at 9 am thru April 3.

Often overshadowed by other New Testament writings, James' epistle packs a powerful punch. Written by Jesus' brother, it's a treasure trove of practical wisdom, challenging us to move beyond mere passive belief and embrace an active, transformative faith.

Over the coming weeks, we'll delve into key passages, unlocking the practical gems James offers for everyday living. We'll explore themes like God's unwavering goodness, the power of listening and discernment, and the crucial role of action in demonstrating genuine faith.

This series is designed for anyone seeking to:

  • Deepen their understanding of faith's practical application.

  • Discover fresh perspectives on God's character and intentions.

  • Translate their beliefs into tangible acts of love and service.

  • Grow in their walk with Christ and make a positive impact on the world around them.

Whether you're a seasoned Bible scholar or a curious newcomer, this study welcomes you with open arms.

Why James?

Aren’t we talking about faith through Peter’s eyes on Sunday morning? Yes indeed! Why another character? James’ letter is perhaps one of the earliest documents we have from the beginnings of the Christian movement. We’ll discover that Peter and James, despite their different backgrounds and roles, shared commonalities and differences in their faith journeys within the early Christian movement. Their journeys reflect the diversity within early Christianity and how different leaders contributed to the faith's development and spread through their unique perspectives and missions.

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