Over the past month we have been collecting underwear for those seeking refuge in our country from Afghanistan. We learned that many of them come with next to nothing and lack basic necessities when they arrive.
We are so grateful for the hundreds of pairs of underwear you've brought. During church on Sunday, we prayed a blessing over the underwear:
God of grace, you made all nations to inhabit the whole earth. Help us to recognize your presence in the refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers who flee this places of origin, seeking safety in our community. We pray for these immigrant adults and children who have been forced to leave behind all they have ever known. May these gifts that they receive only be the beginning of healing from trauma, from fear, from deprivation, loss and abuse. Comfort them and give them peace and wholeness. Accompany us, O God, Lead us into active ways of love for our neighbors who have no place to call home or rest their heads. We pray this in the name of your migrant son. Amen.
