The Annapolis Jazz & Roots Festival is just around the corner. The festival is a series of performances and lectures throughout the city of Annapolis held over two weekends in November.
Three of the performances will be held at Eastport United Methodist Church in the Sanctuary. For the full list of concerts, please visit:
NOVEMBER 6, 2022
Jefferson Holland
Chesapeake Bay Songs & Sea Chanteys
Show: 2-3 PM Reservations Required Free:
NOVEMBER 12, 2022
Renée Collins Georges & Georjazz
Celebrate the Music of New Orleans &
Southern Roots of Jazz in a Family Friendly Program
Show: 2 PM
Reservations Required Free:
NOVEMBER 13, 2022
Juanito Pascual
International trio performs Flamenco Jazz, Pop & Rock
Show: 4:15 PM
Reservations Required Admission: Adults $25 advance $30 at the door / Children $10 Tickets: