The Eastport Community Food Pantry
Our food pantry distributions will be at 11 am on the third Saturday of each month:
July 20, August 17, September 21, October 19
Eastport United Methodist hosts the community food pantry outside in the parking lot on the third Saturday of each month at 11 am.
Supplies are distributed on a "first-come first-served" basis as long as supplies last. Volunteers should arrive around 10 am.
Our food pantry distributions providing much needed staple foods, frozen meats, and health and hygiene items are a huge success and a lot of fun.
We have so many food donations from the Anne Arundel County Food Bank as well as donations from friends and neighbors. GROW Annapolis brings the freshest produce from their community gardens.
We have several valuable community partnerships that have come together to provide relief to our neighbors and have been instrumental in donating money, all kinds of food, and other essentials for the food pantry.
Interested in volunteering? One does not have to be a member of the church to join in the fun. This is open to all. Join us at 10 am to help set up and we usually wrap up around 12:30 pm. We are grateful for the 50+ volunteers from all over the county who make this happen!
Wondering what food pantry day is like?
Here are a number of videos celebrating the work that we do at the food pantry. While some of them are dated, they are still representative of the work we do to this day:
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