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Homework and Reading Program
on Tuesdays and Thursday

4 - 5 pm

The homework and reading program offers after-school assistance to elementary and kindergarten children.   Volunteers from the church and the community help students with their homework; provide the opportunity to strengthen their reading, writing, comprehension, math and analytical skills (more than 400 books have been donated for this purpose); and engage in other educational activities such as a board game, a puzzle, or drawings.  Participants meet twice a week:  Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. at the church, 926 Bay Ridge Avenue in Annapolis.  Volunteers are not expected to attend all sessions.  They can come as often as their schedules allow.  No special training or credentials are needed.


The program got its start when a girl from the neighborhood asked the pastor whether the church provided after-school help for kids.  The pastor promised to explore with church members whether such an effort could be organized.  The Homework and Reading Ministry began soon thereafter with two volunteers and two children.  It now serves a core group of 30 children.  All of the kids are currently from the Latino community.  Except for a few of the pre-K children, all speak fluent English.


The program was inducted in the Volunteer Project Hall of Fame of the Volunteer Center for Anne Arundel County in 2011. 


Participation in this ministry has reaped blessings for both the children and the volunteers.  The children enjoy the program.  You can tell by their attendance and by their enthusiasm.  They squeal with joy when they enter the church fellowship hall for each session.  To quote one child, "I like this school!"  As an outcome of the assistance  provided to the children, they are growing in their academic skills.  Teachers in the public schools have confirmed that the program is helping the children.  For the volunteers, the ministry provides an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child as well as an opportunity to learn some new things and to sharpen skills from the past.


Art + Craft + STEAM
on Wednesdays

4 - 5 pm

Field Day on Fridays

4 - 5 pm

Interested in Church Shirts?


 by Eastport United Methodist Church.

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